We at Loomacres Wildlife Management are here to help. Our on-staff Wildlife Biologists have extensive experience with applying and obtaining the correct permit for all your needs. Let us help you stay compliant with federal regulations as well as provide you with the peace of mind that it is done correctly.
For State Specific permit information please click on your state below or if you would like assistance by one of our staff members please CLICK HERE and submit your information and one of our biologists will be in contact with you and get the process started.
A NWCO permit can be issued if the airport has a full time wildlife person on staff. If no full time person is on staff, airports may hire a state licensed NWCO holder or trapper. Airports may also be issued a State Control Permit by contacting Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and asking for one. Reporting take is mandatory.
Alabama game and fish regulation 220-2-.27 allows for permits to take protected wildlife causing crop damage, property damage, or concern for human safety.
Contact your local Conservation Enforcement Officer or local Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries District Office for more information and to obtain a permit.
Permits from ADF&G are needed before a person can kill, destroy, relocate, or haze wild animals that are creating a nuisance or a threat to public safety. Also, any person who kills a wild animal in defense of life or property must file a report and surrender to ADF&G or the Alaska Wildlife Troopers certain animal parts within a prescribed time period.
All permits can be found via the following link: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=otherlicense.protecting
Any individual or company that provides, advisees, or offers assistance with nuisance wildlife shall obtain a wildlife service license.
An application form may be provided by the Arizona Game and Fish Department and available at any Department office.
Offices can be located using the link: https://www.azgfd.com/Agency/Offices/
Non-game animals such as coyote, beaver, opossum, skunk and raccoon may be taken during daylight hours year-round without a permit.
A Depredation Permit is required to trap nuisance game animals other than those listed above outside of the trapping season. A Depredation Permit is required to shoot any nuisance wildlife at night.
A Depredation permit must be obtained for any game animals such as white-tailed deer, from the Arkansas Game and Fish Department. These permits may be obtained from a wildlife biologist or Commission Wildlife Officer. Contact your local regional office for permits: https://www.agfc.com/en/about-agfc/regional-offices/
State permits are supplied by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. In some cases, a game warden may need to confirm there is a problem before a permit can be issued.
Regional offices for contact information can be located at the following link: https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Regions
Statute 33-6-107(9) and Wildlife Commission Regulations (WCR) 312(C), WCR 323, WCR 1000(A)(6), WCR 17122(C), WCR 17123(A) & WCR 17141(A) If wildlife is causing damage to crops, real or personal property, or livestock - a person (or any employee or agent of the landowner) may hunt, trap, or take the following wildlife on lands owned or leased by the person without securing a license to do so.
You can obtain a depredation permit by contacting your local Colorado Parks & Wildlife office at: https://cpw.state.co.us/aboutus/Pages/ContactUs.aspx,
This website will help you decide if you need a permit for the wildlife you seek to depredate: https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/WildlifeSpecies/LivingWithWildlife/NuisanceWildlife.pdf
Connecticut law, CGS 26-47(b)(1), requires an individual to obtain a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO) license prior to engaging in the business of wildlife control. Airports may contract state licensed NWCO holders.
To obtain a NWCO license, an individual must: Attend an approved Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator's training course; pass the DEEP NWCO licensing exam; and submit an application for a NWCO license.
For information and to register for the next Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator training class, visit the Connecticut NWCO Association website at www.ctnwcoa.com.
Private contractors must be licensed by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
Joe Rogerson can be contacted by email at [email protected] and by phone at 302-735-3600 to obtain a NWCO license.
There is no license fee, but there is a certificate fee of $250.
Joe can also be contacted about permits for big game.
Florida recognizes in emergency situations that wildlife must be taken and can be taken without permit. State listed species may be taken without permit but only in emergency situations. Federally listed species may be taken if airport or personnel have appropriate permits. Any state listed species must be reported to FWC within 5 business days.
Gopher tortoise and bobcats are not to be killed. Tortoise burrows can be destroyed only after the tortoise has been captured and must be released on airport property. Bobcats must be released from traps as well on airport property or with landowner permission.
All rules and regulations are clearly stated in the link: https://myfwc.com/license/wildlife/airport-safety/
A NWCO license is required and an application can be found via this link: https://gadnrle.org/sites/default/files/le/pdf/Special-Permits/Nuisance%20Wildlife%20Control%20Application%20packet.pdf
Georgia lists deer as an animal that requires permits. Other wildlife “may” be controlled but must obtain permission from Georgia DNR. A nuisance wildlife control operator may be contracted to control wildlife on airport property as well.
Contact information on “special permits” can be found here: https://gadnrle.org/special-permits
A state wildlife control permit is necessary to conduct bird control operations at airports in Hawaii under DLNR administrative rule §13- 124-7.
A state wildlife control permit is required by the HDLNR to harass endangered species and it is unlikely that a permit would be issued for lethal control of an endangered species.
Contact information can be found here: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/division-offices/
Depredation permits are issued by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and are required. Depredation permits are only issued by IDFG after all other means of control are exhausted. These permits are issued on a case by case basis following an investigation by IDFG staff.
This link can be used to contact Idaho Fish & Game https://idfg.idaho.gov/contact
Any individual desiring to take game mammals, furbearing mammals, other mammals, bats or game birds that are causing damage to property or risks to human health or safety on the land of another, for a fee, must first obtain a valid Class A Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Any individual desiring to take migratory birds that are causing damage to property, risks to human health or safety, or nuisances on the land of another, for a fee, must first obtain a valid Class D Nuisance Wildlife Control Permit from the Department.
Contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to request a form: https://www.dnr.illinois.gov/about/Pages/Contact.aspx
Those who provide nuisance wild animal control services must pass a test before obtaining a nuisance wild animal control permit. Airports may also hire a state licensed NWCO holder or trapper.
Once you pass the test, continuing education in the amount of sixteen (16) hours in 4 years is required (312 IAC 9-10-11).
Direct link to the permit: https://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/2371.htm
A NWCO permit must be obtained and can be found here: https://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting/Landowner-Assistance
In order for deer to be removed from an airport, a shooting permit must be issued by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Contact your local depredation biologist to get started: https://www.iowadnr.gov/Contact-Iowa-DNR
A NWCO permit application can be found via the following link: https://ksoutdoors.com/content/download/7245/36045/file/NADC%20Application%20Updated%204_12_2011tm.pdf
Reporting take is done at the end of the year via a form sent in the mail from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, & Tourism.
Big game species such as white-tailed deer tags can be obtained by contacting your local Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism office.
Contact Maria Ornelas with any question: [email protected]
State permits are required and can be obtained from a Private Lands Biologist. Calling into the help line, 1-800-858-1549 and giving the county your airport is located in will help determine the lands biologist you’ll need to talk to. From there, you can get permits for any animal causing harm or that may cause harm.
A depredation permit for wildlife can be issued by LDWF for the control of Deer, Hogs, Coyote, or basically any animal that is causing problems at airports. Other species that pose a threat may be added.
Mellissa Collins is the best contact for nuisance wildlife control permits. She can be reached at 225-763-8584 or at [email protected].
An Animal Damage Control permit is required and can be obtained from the Commissioner’s office. Please refer to the site below for contacting the Commissioner’s office: https://www.maine.gov/ifw/about/commissioners-office/index.html
For deer in Maryland, the airport manager will need to contact Connie Roberts and request a letter of authority to remove deer. Her contact info is 301-478-2690.
For coyote or red fox, any individual that will be placing traps or shooting coyotes/fox will need to complete an online test for a wildlife damage control operator’s license. This test is available on Maryland’s DNR website: https://dnr.maryland.gov/wildlife/Pages/Licenses/nuisancecoop.aspx
Once passed, the information can be sent to Connie again and she can help with the permits. [email protected]
Several steps must be followed to receive a problem animal control license, and are clearly laid out in the following link: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-to-be-a-problem-animal-control-agent
To become certified in coyote removal you must successfully complete a coyote class offered by MassWildlife. Only PAC agents who have completed this training may remove problem coyotes, however, any PAC agent can be hired to harass coyotes. For more details about the coyote class for PAC agents, please call MassWildlife at (508) 389-6300.
A damage and nuisance animal control permit shall be required by anyone to prevent or control, by shooting, trapping or otherwise, the depredations of animals at a time or in a manner not otherwise permitted by law or order.
An application for a NWCO license can be found here: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/wildlife_nuisance_permit_app_519012_7.pdf
A district law supervisor is the only individual allowed to grant a deer permit to an airport. Contact your local district law supervisor for details.
The following animals can be taken year-round without a permit: mink, squirrels, rabbit, hare, raccoon, bobcat, fox, muskrat, opossum, and beaver.
You must notify a Conservation Officer within 24 hours when you take a protected nuisance animal.
For further assistance with any other species, you may contact the DNR Information Center at https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/contact/index.html or at 888-646-6367.
There is only one state agency in Mississippi that regulates wildlife control at airports, The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP). MDWFP administers all state wildlife laws. These laws involve migratory and resident birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, as well as state threatened and endangered species. State permits are required to take all game species regulated by MDWFP. However, MDWFP honors USFWS depredation permits for migratory birds.
Contact Information: MDWFP Wildlife Bureau - (601) 432-2199.
An airport manager may remove nuisance wildlife if they are posing a threat to public safety without a permit. Pursuant to code 3 CSR 10-4.130 Owner May Protect Property; Public Safety.
This authorization does not allow the capture or killing of white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, turkeys, black bears, mountain lions, and any endangered species.
For conflicts with these species, contact your local county conservation agent or nearest Department office.
Airports may qualify for game damage programs.
More information can be found by contacting (406) 444-2612.
Airports may also qualify for special landowner licenses and permit provisions for wildlife management.
Contact information is (406) 444-2950.
A wildlife control (permit, license) is required for private operators to take, transport, release, or euthanize designated wildlife that is causing damage to property or is a risk to human health or safety, and are issued by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
Other game permits such as deer, turkey, elk, and antelope may also be requested by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, but a Conservation Officer or Wildlife Division staff member must first determine that other methods of control are not effective.
Canada goose permits are also available through the Commission: https://outdoornebraska.gov/commissioners/
A wildlife depredation permit must be obtained: https://www.ndow.org/uploadedFiles/ndoworg/Content/public_documents/Forms_and_Resources/Special_Permits/Application%20-%20Wildlife%20Depredation%20Permit.pdf
The permit can be mailed to the appropriate regional officer located on the bottom of the form.
New Hampshire
Contact John McConnell with all wildlife state permitting inquiries.
New Hampshire Wildlife Services State Director
59 Chenell Drive, Suite 7, Concord, NH 03301-8548
Phone: (603) 223-6832
E-mail: [email protected]
New Jersey
A wildlife depredation control permit must be obtained and can be found here: https://www.njwdca.com/Downloads/DepredationControlPermit.pdf
NJs Department of Environmental Protection requires airport operators to obtain a permit to remove deer if regular hunting does not solve the problem.
To obtain this permit, airport operators must submit the application 120 days before the work is to be done.
Contact Jodi Powers at 609-259-6965, this is the senior biologist for the community based deer management program.
Visit https://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/news/2003/cbdmpermits.htm for more information.
New Mexico
Nongame species may be taken without a permit and include: porcupine, prairie dogs, rabbits, ground squirrels, Himalayan tahr, coyote, skunks, and feral hogs.
A nuisance control permit must be obtained for all other species and can be located here: https://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/download/enforcement/special-permits/nuisance-control-permit/Nuisance-Control-Permit-Application_Renewal-Form.pdf
A protected mammal permit may also be required depending on the species: https://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/download/enforcement/special-permits/protected-mammal/Protected-Mammal-Permit-Application_Renewal-Form.pdf
New York
New York has varying laws for what, when, and how animals can be taken. Some of your common animals that can be found on airports, deer, fox, coyotes, require a DEC permit. Based on certain regions, you’ll need to contact the region you’re in. Here is a directory: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
Specific species and permit requirements and/or if it can be taken if it’s a nuisance can be found here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/81531.html
North Carolina
For big game (deer, turkey, bear) depredation permits are issued by a district biologist.
For small game (skunks, raccoons) a wildlife enforcement officer can issue depredation permits.
Most permits can also be issued by Darren Barnes; he is the permit supervisor for the state. His number is 919-707-0062.
North Dakota
Contact Phil Mastrangelo with all wildlife state permitting inquiries.
North Dakota Wildlife Services State Director
2110 Miriam Circle, Suite A, Bismarck, ND 58501-2502
Phone: (701) 250-4405 or 1-866-487-3297
E-mail: [email protected]
A nuisance wild animal control permit must be obtained and can be found via the link below: https://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/Portals/wildlife/pdfs/species%20and%20habitats/DNR%208892%20Commercial%20Nuisance%20Wild%20Animal%20Control%20Permit%20Application.pdf
Also, if a Division of Wildlife representative determines that the use of a Deer Damage Control Permit in conjunction with other management techniques will further assist the landowner, a permit may be issued here: https://apps.ohiodnr.gov/wildlife/wildlifedamage/
A Nuisance Wildlife Control License (NWCO) is needed for anyone to conduct wildlife control at airports who is NOT employed by the USDA WS. Must report within 30 days after end of year, submit all take to ODWC when getting new license. Certain game species not covered, go through a game warden to obtain permission first (deer, bear, turkey).
Oklahoma has a resident goose control order for airports. May be removed up to 3 nautical miles away with land owner permission. USFWS registration not required but recommended to report take.
A NWCO permit can be found here: https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/law/nwco-operators
Predatory animals such as coyotes, rabbits, rodents, and feral swine do not need a WCO permit, but do however need an ODFW permit. ODFW permits are free of charge and can be obtained by contacting the nearest ODFW office.
In all other cases, a wildlife control operators permit (WCO) must be applied for and can be found here: https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/license_permits_apps/docs/WCO_Application.pdf
A special permit application form must be filled out and is located here: https://birdnet.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-New-PGC-Permit-Application-PGC-12.pdf
A nuisance wildlife control permit must also be applied for. Permits can be obtained from the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Rhode Island
A nuisance wildlife control specialist permit must be obtained. Information on the process and permit can be found here: https://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/bnatres/fishwild/pdf/nwcs.pdf
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Director may also authorize a permittee to control other species not listed on a nuisance wildlife control specialist permit at such times and under such conditions as he or she deems appropriate or necessary, and can be contacted via the link below:
South Carolina
A permit from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is available for airport personnel or any designee. You must know your region to get a permit. The four regions can be found on SC natural resource page https://dnr.sc.gov/hunting/depredation.html. Contact your office and request a permit for your airport.
Any animal authorized to be taken under this permit must be tagged before being disposed of.
Permits are issued on a yearly basis. Individuals may also become a NWCO and remove animals for a fee.
South Dakota
South Dakota airports qualify for wildlife damage management programs under the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Division.
For more information on the programs please contact your local Wildlife Damage Specialist.
Any person, before destroying any big game under the conditions provided for in this section, is required to obtain a permit for destroying such big game. Such permit shall be issued by an officer of the wildlife resources agency. Big game is defined as deer, wild turkey and bear. The landowner should contact the TWRA regional office in which the property is located and an officer will be assigned to contact the landowner.
Regional offices can be found at this website https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/twra/law-enforcement/wildlife-damage-control.html#bigGame
Contact your regional office to obtain a depredation permit as well.
A depredation permit is not required to kill depredating nongame animals, including nuisance fur-bearing animals.
A depredation permit may be issued to individuals who have evidence clearly showing certain protected wildlife is causing serious damage to commercial agricultural, horticultural, or aquacultural interests, or presents a threat to public safety (e.g., airport runways).
If not already done, you must create a user account and register your property with the Land Management Assistance (LMA) online system prior to submitting a depredation permit application. Once your property is registered with the LMA system, log in to TWIMS to complete a depredation permit application. Your TWIMS and LMA account log in credentials are the same
Some furbearers and non-game mammals do not require permits to be taken, however, double check with your local wildlife division office for further information on these animals.
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources: https://wildlife.utah.gov/about-us/contact-us.html
Vermont requires airports to apply for a depredation permit from the state Fish and Wildlife Department.
Contact information to submit the permit is [email protected]. She can provide the form/application to depredate nuisance wildlife.
Permits are issued by the state Game and Fish Department. An Animal Population Control Permit is required to remove most species. The animal population control permit can be found here: https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/forms-download/PERM/PERM-011.pdf
Deer are not included on this permit. To get a permit for deer, a Kill Permit is needed and VGDIF will issue this as well. Contact (804) 367-1000 for a Kill Permit.
Washington has by far the strictest regulations when it comes to applying for a Wildlife Control Operators license. Airports are allowed to, and may be better off contracting out wildlife control work to state licensed NWCO holders. More information on becoming a WCO can be found here: https://wdfw.wa.gov/living/nuisance/how_to_become_wco.html
Damage Prevention Permits and Kill permits can also be issued by the WDFW for other “big game” species.
Contact information is found here: https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/regions/
West Virginia
A wildlife damage control license is required and can be obtained from the Director, and should be sent to the district headquarters of the Law Enforcement Section, Division of Natural Resources once complete.
A deer depredation permit can also be granted from your local DNR conservation officer.
Contacts can be found here: https://www.wvdnr.gov/contact.shtm
Coyotes, beaver, fox raccoon, woodchuck, rabbit and squirrel can be hunted and trapped year-round without a permit.
The local DNR staff will provide advice and assistance over the phone to help you legally solve your nuisance problems.
If you are experiencing any problems with nuisance bears, wolves, or birds, contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services at one of the two district offices in Waupun (920) 324-4514 and Rhinelander (715) 369-5221.
Kill permits may be authorized by a Game and Fish Commissioner and the Chief Game Warden granting authority to take big game animals, trophy game animals or game birds.
Beaver, bobcat, weasel, badger, squirrel and muskrat may be taken year-round without a permit.
For all other permit inquiries, please contact the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission.