Loomacres Wildlife Management was created by Airport Wildlife Biologists to better serve an industry that was outdated and lacking vision with a focus on Airport Wildlife Hazard Management. In striving to resolve the bird strike and wildlife-strike problem, the aviation industry must continue to rely on the system safety approach to reduce exposure to, and probability and severity of, wildlife strikes. Although increasing numbers of some hazardous species and a growing aviation industry pose significant challenges to reducing exposure, a reduction in risk should be achievable. Adopting new technologies and new methods will contribute to the management of wildlife-associated risk, providing wildlife-detection and deterrence capabilities, and improving the ability of aircraft to avoid wildlife encounters.
Most wildlife-management methods now employed at airports have been in use for several decades. While some new products and new techniques have proven relatively successful, technological advances have, for the most part, been in the refinement of existing products and techniques. Studies have shown that habitat modifications and active wildlife-management techniques remain the most successful long-term solutions when implemented by skilled operators. Our Biologists are trained to immediately react to unforeseen Wildlife Hazards with complete success. We are always looking to use the most up to date, innovative, and ethical practices to help alleviate the risk of human health and safety. Your airport can utilize a company that provides comprehensive services that are encompassed in integrated Wildlife Hazard Management.
Research on new methods to reduce bird-strike probability is currently being pursued on two fronts:
- deterring and dispersing wildlife using technologies that play to recently discovered sensory abilities of birds and mammals; and
- detecting birds and mammals and predicting their movements.
We at Loomacres feel that it is essential to have qualified, trained, and competent Airport Wildlife Biologists who have always conducted FAA approved Wildlife Hazard Assessment services. With more FAA Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologist on staff that any other firm in the country, we can provide all services in house at a lower cost than our competitors.